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Additional Resources For You

Pro Bono Net / LA

Southwest Louisiana Law Center (SWLLC) has joined with in a unique collaboration of the Louisiana civil justice system. Our collective goal is to engage the entire Louisiana Civil Justice Community online and to advance the practices of public interest lawyers and pro bono volunteers.

ABA-YLD/FEMA Disaster Legal Assistance Program

SWLLC has partnered with the ABA Young Lawyers Division (Louisiana) Organization. The American Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division (YLD) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have a Disaster Legal Assistance Program available. YLD members provide pro bono disaster-related legal services to low-income victims of a federally declared disaster when asked to do so by FEMA. One means of delivering legal services is through a disaster hotline, but YLD also employs clinics and resource centers as well. In addition, the YLD hotline allows callers to ask legal questions about their disaster related issue.

SWLLC Louisiana Family Law Task Force

SWLLC is a member of the Family Law Task Force, which represents absent defendants in Family Law matters. When a person's whereabouts are unknown or when a defendant cannot be located for service even after a conscientious effort, the person is considered an absentee. Volunteer curators represent the absent defendant so that clients can finalize their divorces and move on with their lives.

LIFT Incubation / Pro Bono Program

SWLLC and the Legal Innovators for Tomorrow (LIFT) host a legal incubator program designed to address the legal needs of underserved and underrepresented populations in Louisiana. The program supports new lawyers in developing viable and sustainable public interest-focused law firms that address gaps in available legal services. It is for new or transitioning attorneys who are starting their own solo or small law firm. During their incubation period, the incubator attorneys receive subsidized office space, supplies, and resources, as well as training and mentorship as they work alongside experienced attorneys. In exchange for the training and incubation of their practice, attorneys agree to provide pro bono representation.

©2024 by The Southwest Louisiana Law Center, Inc.

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